Metal 3D Printing (Inkjet Route) - Fast and cost-effective 3D printing of complex metal parts
92,00 kr
An inkjet print head deposits a liquid binder on selected sections of a thin layer of metal powder. A new metal layer is then added on top, and the inkjet process is repeated, adhering the powder particles of the two layers. The process is repeated for many layers – until the bound particles form the desired 3D geometries. The printed parts are then removed from the bed of loose powder and sintered in a kiln to achieve a 96 percent density.
Used for:
It is used for small complex components, customised products, and lightweighting of non-critical components.
The standard material is stainless steel, but other metals can also be printed. The tolerance can be as low as 0.2 percent despite the part shrinkage of 20 percent during sintering. Recommended part size is less than 50 mm. The process has a resolution of 35 microns with a layer thickness of 42 microns, resulting in a high surface quality.
All samples come with a laminated information card, which includes contact details for the supplier.